Rygsmerter, Smerter i nakken, Arbejdssundhed

Positiv indflydelse på din sundhed

Ryggsmerter, nakkesmerter og skuldersmerter - Humantool hjælpe

Ryggsmerter, nakkesmerter og skuldersmerter er vanlige årsaker til ansattes bort hemmeligheter. Humantool Sadelstol bringer lindring til disse plager.

  • Din ryg og den mellemste del af din krop bliver styrket, fordi funktionerne af de dybt liggende muskler bliver aktiveret.
  • Bevægelsen løser spændinger i ryggen, som kan opstå igennem forkert holdning når du sidder eller for eksempel når du dyrker sport.
  • Din kropsholdning bliver forbedret, når bækkenet lærer og understøtter en ny og mere opret holdning.
  • Problemer i skulder- og nakkeområdet bliver formindsket igennem en forbedret stilling af den nedre del af ryggen.
  • Kroppen bliver fastere og strammere, alt afhængig af hvor aktiv den person er, som sidder på den nedre del af ryggen.
  • Bækkenbundsmusklerne vil blive stærkere, der eksempelvis hjælper til at kontrollere urininkontinens
  • Smerter i ryggen bliver mindre, når trykket mellem nerverne bliver reduceret igennem bevægelse, mens du sidder.

Fagfolk anbefale Humantool Sadelstol.


Sadelstol  Humantool 1180 DKK €        






Bevægelsen er medicin - også når du sidder!

Din ryg har brug for bevægelse!



Vidste du, at ?

  • Ryglidelser, som opstår igennem forkert holdning, når du sidder, er den næst hyppigste årsag for sygemeldinger
  • EU understøtter arbejdsgivere igennem love og skabelsen af en standard *) i at anskaffe bedre ergonomiske indretning til deres medarbejdere. *) ISO 9241–5:1998
  • Du kan spørge din arbejdsgiver om anskaffelsen af en HUMANTOOL skammel til dig for at forbedre din sundhed og velvære.



Translation is going on to following part....

Back complaints belong to the most frequent health problems, therefore special attention should be given to treatment and prevention. Many of us sit on a chair the entire working day and during this static sitting posture the back does not receive the necessary exercise. With the help of a Humantool Balance seat the back receives small pumping movements, whereby the blood circulation of the back is supported.


Why our back needs movement?


1) For the well-being of our spines 

In a normal, traditional sitting position back does not get any movement and the vital metabolism is therefore reduced. Due to static and regular sitting the back begins to degenerate. 

This is a massive health problem in all western countries, where people are working offices. Problems in the back area are one of the most common reason for absences from work. A human being doesn’t have a natural blood circulation in the spinal structure and therefore 
the movement of big and small muscles around the spine and vertebra is important for the well-being of the back. Once the muscles 
of the back are engaged in but a slight pumping motion the muscles around the spine transport along the blood circulation vital oxygen 
and other nutrients to the back area and between the vertebra removing waste substances at the same time. In this way the metabolism of 
the back area improves and the back feels better. 

2) To strengthen muscles of the midriff 

When sitting on the Humantool Balance seat small balancing moves are created automatically in different directions. These balancing moves 
activate deep muscles of the midriff, which are very difficult to exercise otherwise than by special training moves. The importance of the 
deep midriff muscles has been especially highlighted because they support and protect the spine and their good condition creates a basis 
for vigorous being and the abundance of body.

Ryggsmerter, nakkesmerter og skuldersmerter - Humantool hjælpe











